Put on socks

Slip an old nylon stocking over the pump and its intake to keep out stray dirt.

Fight buildup

Each time you refresh the water supply, add a clarifier to deter algae growth and a scale and stain remover, following the label directions on dosage (it depends on your fountain’s capacity). Double the normal amount if you notice algae or scale that persists. In warmer months, when algae grow more readily, add a time-release algaecide in tablet form about once every three weeks.

All About Garden Fountains

Don’t let it run dry

Your pump could overheat if the water level’s too low, so keep an eye on it, especially if you’ve had a string of hot, dry days.

Use chlorine only if needed

Fountain pumps aren’t designed to work with concentrated levels of chlorine, but if an algae bloom won’t die down, add 1/4 cup of chlorine bleach for every 5 gallons of water, and run the pump overnight so it circulates long enough to disinfect the entire system.