In this episode:

Master electrician Heath Eastman teaches host Kevin O’Connor about the different types of electric vehicle chargers. Heath explains Level 1, 2, and 3 chargers, how they work, and who they’re suited for. He even goes over the installation requirements for each type of charger and how many miles of charging the owner can expect. He even puts to rest some safety concerns on the topic. Next, Kevin takes us to meet with mason Mark McCullough to talk about brick patterns. Mark shows Kevin the different patterns that homeowners can choose for their walkways and walls, explaining how each works from a design and structural standpoint. He explains the importance of header and running courses and some things to consider when choosing a design. After that, carpenter Nathan Gilbert takes us on a house call to fix a crack in a homeowner’s china cabinet. After realizing the cabinet is built-in and original to the home, Nathan shows the homeowner how to skin the interior of the cabinet with MDF, hiding the crack while replacing it with a modern material that blends in with the original charm. After Nathan wraps up, he gives paint expert Mauro Henrique a call to help the homeowner finish the job. Mauro helps the homeowner fill holes, caulk prime, and paint the interior of the cabinet for a fresh new look.

Electrical Vehicle Chargers Explained

Master electrician Heath Eastman teaches host Kevin O’Connor everything he (or anyone else) needs to know about choosing an electric vehicle charger for their home.

Where to find it?

Heath and Kevin breakdown the basics of EV Chargers and the different levels of chargers available to electric car owners. Heath explains that there are 3 levels of chargers available, however level 1 and level 2 are the main options available to the average homeowner. Heath then breaks down each levels necessity and benefits. Then Heath explains where these EV Chargers should be located and how they work. He explains the common locations such as inside garages, but outdoor locations can be just as safe. He also explains the proper installation and requirements for an EV Charger port. Kevin gets clarifications on how often one should charge their car, and when it’s necessary to upgrade ones service from 100 to 200 amps.

Simple Guide to Brick Patterns

Mason Mark McCullough teaches host Kevin O’Connor about the different brick patterns homeowners can choose for their walls or walkways.

Where to find it?

Mark breaks down a variety of brick patterns popular with homeowners and where the patterns originate.

Running Bond—the most traditional look with bricks lined up at an offset either horizontally or vertically. Herringbone—a diagonal pattern that mimics the bones of a fish.

3-5/8” pattern is thicker and requires less brick, making it more cost-effective. 2-1/4” pattern is when the bricks are stood on their taller side, which creates a different look. It’s more expensive because it requires more brick.

American Bond—Every 5 or 6 courses are headers or the short side of the brick. Flemish Bond—Bricks are turned on their header side every other brick. Gives almost a “diamond pattern” in the brick. English Bond—Similar to an American bond, but in every other row, the bricks have a header course to create a more distinct pattern. Common in Victorian/Colonial areas and buildings.

How to Repair Cracks in a Built-In China Cabinet

Carpenter Nathan Gilbert and paint expert Mauro Henrique help a homeowner solve a common problem with built-in cabinets in older homes. Original Air Date: Oct 6, 2022, Season 44; Ep. 2 23:40